Blog / Technology and Development / August 2, 2020 / 4 mins read / By Ahmad Farzan

Key Tips to Mentoring New Developers to Success

Mentoring new developers can be a valuable and potentially impactful experience for both the mentor and the mentee. This is an effective way to advance not only the professional level of junior developers but also the development of leadership and teaching skills for mentors. However, effective mentoring should be strategically carried out for new developers to benefit most from the experience. Below are a few essential tips on how to do this well.

1. Set Clear Goals and Expectations

Set Initial Goals

First, establish the purpose of the mentoring relationship. Clarify what each one is working on and expects to achieve from the relationship. Elucidate the expectations of a developer, aligning them with your goals or terms, whether it is about some specific technical skill achievement, project milestones, or soft skills in communication and teamwork.

Define Expectations

Clearly define for your mentee expectations of commitment, work ethic, and participation. Let them also know what to expect from you as a mentor. This mutual understanding sets a strong foundation for a productive mentoring relationship.

2. Create a Welcoming Environment

Foster Open Communication

Encourage openness and honesty in communication. Encourage your mentee to be at ease asking questions, sharing ideas, and being concerned about issues. This builds trust and a positive rapport.

Be Available and Supportive

Always be empathetic and patient. Remember that new developers can be overwhelmed and feel intimidated. Approachability will help; you should offer your support and be very reassuring that it is OK to make mistakes and that this is basically how we learn.

3. Make Learning and Resources Structured

Develop a Learning Plan

Prepare a structured learning plan with tutorials, documentation, and practical assignments. Break significant topics into small, easily digestible bites, and gradually lead your mentee through them.

Recommend Resources

Recommend different kinds of readings, online courses, and other learning materials that can help expand your mentee’s knowledge and skills. Encourage them to learn in different ways to find what works best for them.

4. Provide Hands-On Experience

Assign Real Projects

Involve your mentee in real, live projects to get an opportunity to apply what they have learned. Practical experiences are of paramount significance and help to cement concepts in one’s mind.

Pair Programming

Conduct a pair programming session in which you would work simultaneously on coding. This will bring the real-time advantage of receiving instant feedback and showing best practices with real examples.

5. Provide Constructive Feedback

Regular Check-Ins

Set aside time for regular check-ins to review progress and challenges and provide feedback. Constructive feedback builds the developer up and helps him understand areas of improvement.

Celebrate Successes

Acknowledge and celebrate the successes of your mentee. Positive reinforcement would boost their confidence and motivation to learn and keep improving.

6. Promote Problem-Solving Skills

Encourage Independent Thinking

While it is essential to guide your mentee, also allow them to think independently and come up with solutions. This will help them develop problem-solving skills and promote a feeling of being able to handle tasks.

Discuss Problem-Solving Techniques

Share the various techniques and methodologies in problem-solving. Explain how complex problems are approached and dissected, and give examples from your own practical experience.

7. Encourage a Growth Mindset

Emphasize Continuous Learning

Build up the spirit of continuous learning and staying current with industry trends and emerging technologies. Encourage your mentee to have a growth mindset: view challenges as opportunities for growth.

Share Your Experience

Share your own experience, including the challenges and failures you’ve faced, because this works toward humanizing the learning process. It shows that even experienced developers face obstacles and learn from them.


Mentoring new developers is a huge commitment that should be approached with dedication, patience, and thought. You can help your mentee gain confidence and competence by having clear objectives, enabling an open environment, and offering structured learning activities that promote problem-solving on their side. Successful mentoring is usually a two-way street in which both the mentor and mentee can learn and grow within.