Blog / Technology and Development / August 13, 2020 / 4 mins read / By Ahmad Farzan

How to Provide Constructive Feedback to New Developers

Constructive feedback is part and parcel of mentoring developers. Feedback helps new developers understand where they are reasonable, where they need to work more, and it can also raise the bar of their performance. However, giving constructive feedback can be thoughtful in approach to be perceived positively and to move forward toward growth. Here are some essential tips on providing constructive feedback to new developers.

1. Create a Positive Environment

Establish Trust

Building that trustful relationship is critical to the success of the mentor-mentee relationship. Make sure new developers feel at ease when approaching you with any questions or concerns. Be empathetic, patient, and transparent in your feedback; it is given to further their growth.

Encourage Openness

Foster a climate for open communication. Let your mentee know it is okay to make mistakes, and learning from them is a part of the development process.

2. Be Specific and Actionable

Focus on Specific Instances

Refer to concrete instances or examples when providing feedback. For example, instead of saying, “Your code is inefficient,” you can refer to a certain piece of the code and mention why it is inefficient and how that problem could be fixed.

Offer Actionable Suggestions

Give clear and actionable suggestions, meaning the new developer can do something about them. This should not be some vague advice but rather concrete steps they can take to better their skills or change their approach toward the problem in question.

3. Balance Positive and Negative Feedback

Highlight Strengths

You always start with what the developer is doing right. This approach will not only build up their confidence but also make them more open to constructive criticism.

Address Areas for Improvement

After acknowledging their strengths, discuss the areas where they need improvement. Ensure that your tone is supportive and that your intention is to help them grow.

4. The Sandwich Method for Giving Feedback

Positive Feedback

Start with positive feedback to set a positive tone. Mention what the developer did well and why it was effective.

Constructive Criticism

Follow up with constructive critique to address specific areas that need improvement. Be clear, concise, and supportive in approach.

Positive Reinforcement

Conclude by encouraging the developer and reinforcing their potential for growth and improvement.

5. Be Timely and Regular

Provide Feedback Promptly

Respond as quickly as possible upon completing the behavior seen or task performed. Feedback provided timely ensures that the detail is fresh in your mind and the developer can directly take to task the improvements.

Schedule Regular Check-Ins

This also allows routine check-ins for continuous feedback and following up on the process. This would help sustain the cycle of constant improvement and maintain motivation in the developer.

6. Develop Self-Reflection

Request Self-Assessment

Encourage new developers to assess their work and identify areas that they think need improvement. This way, it supports them to be self-aware and think critically.

Discuss Their Perspective

Have a conversation around their self-assessment. Discuss their take on the work and also offer your insights, thereby balancing the view toward their performance.

7. Be Patient and Supportive

Understand the Learning Curve

Recognize that new developers are on a learning curve and may take time to grasp new concepts and skills. Be patient with their progress and offer consistent support.

Celebrate Progress

Acknowledge and celebrate the progress and milestones made by the developer. Celebrating small wins can boost their confidence and keep them motivated.


Being able to give feedback constructively to new developers is a very integral part of the same. So, to be a good mentor and guide to new developers, one needs to build a positive environment, be specific and actionable, balance feedback, use the feedback sandwich technique, be prompt, promote self-reflection, and be patient and supportive. Remember, the primary purpose of such feedback is to help new developers improve and boost confidence in becoming skilled and self-assured professionals in their field.